Tuesday, 29 November 2011


I have entered Twitter world!  Not sure what it's all about really but going to give it a go all the same.  My Twitter name is driftwood_twit.  I figured it made sense to keep the theme going.  Got to make a couple more mirrors over the next day or so (ready for listing at the weekend!) and try and schedule in a sneaky trip to the coast to collect some more driftwood.  The next few days should be good, given the rather wild weather we've had in the UK - particularly today.  In the meantime, I am enjoying relaxing by a toasty fire, surrounded by my family, and looking forward to a lovely home-made Shepherd's pie for dinner - cold winter nights can have their pluses after all!
Twinkle twinkle little star!
Take a peak at what's for sale right now!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

More Gorgeous Stuff For Sale

Well, I have been a very busy bee these last few days.  I have purchased some REAL glass mirrors (rather than the 'safety' acrylic) and affixed them to a sound base of 6mm MDF.  I have also given the back of the mirror frame an extra touch by lining with hessian.  This has raised the feel of the whole mirror to another level entirely.  The mirrors suddenly look and feel very professional and polished, in spite of the natural materials used to create them.  As I progress I hope to affix my very own label so that people know they are 'Driftwood and Debris' mirrors/ products.  I have a star for sale which is also hessian backed - it looks and feels very different to my initial foam-board prototypes - more expensive and time-consuming to produce but, hopefully, stout enough to last a lifetime!  My latest creations are now on sale (see link at the top of the page).  Have a look and see what you think...
Hessian for the backing

Hessian backed mirror

This is my latest and (I think) loveliest mirror yet!

I really like the flaked paint detail here

Bleached driftwood mirror

Hessian back with D-ring fixing

Bleached driftwood detail

The shells and driftwood are so evocative of the sea - lush!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Boxing Clever

Who'd have thought packaging could be such a nightmare?  I have been researching the best method for posting my mirrors since some of the shells are very delicate and don't take kindly to being dropped!  I think I've found an appropriate box which, combined with tissue paper and bubble wrap, should do the job - only problem is I have to order a minimum of 25.  I've sold a few but not that many just yet!  Do I risk it and hope my sales are going to grow sufficiently or make my own boxes which might not look as good but will do the job nonetheless?  Questions, questions, questions.  All this thinking is giving my wrinkles...OK, more wrinkles!
The corner of one of my mirrors - snail shell nested inside an oyster shell

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped

The quote above (an African proverb) is quite relevant to an issue I had earlier this week regarding packaging.  I was focused on who or what had caused the damage to a mirror I had posted rather than the why!  I refunded the customer - because that is the right thing to do - but couldn't get my head around how the damage had happened.  Well, what a waste of time since I could only guess and never really know...I was concentrating on the fall, and not where I had slipped.

Today, I visited my sister-in-law who runs a very successful mail order company with her husband (they have recently opened a gorgeous shop in Amersham -see link to their website above) - they specialise in high-end gifts and delightful objet d'art.  Who better to ask for advice on mailing delicate items?!  Their experience is vast and the advice was so helpful.  I should have approached them sooner really - ain't hindsight a wonderful thing!  They had one horror story of turning up at a courier company, late at night, only to witness the staff competing to see how far they could throw sackfuls of packages across the warehouse.  No wonder so many goods arrive in less than perfect condition.  They no longer use that company...and neither will I!  What I AM going to do is step up my act on the packaging front and get busy marketing my workshops for the New Year.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Calm Before the Storm?

Well, it's been a quiet few days on the Driftwood and Debris front.  I did sell a star yesterday and am hoping to sell some more over the weekend.  In the meantime, I'm patiently waiting for my latest lot of driftwood to dry - having washed and scrubbed it clean.  In warmer months I would place it outside to dry in the sun, but it's been so damp and cold recently that I've had to bring it inside to dry out next to the radiator.  It feels like every room in the house is brimming with the stuff!  Productivity is also slowed because my 2 little girls have been unwell and demanding a lot of attention - I don't mind though because I get some real quality time with them and their cuddles are just so scrummy.
So, I am wondering if this is the calm before the storm.  I need to capitalise on the Christmas period and then set to running some workshops in the New Year.  Could be busy times ahead if I play my cards right!

Here's one I made earlier...this week

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Trial and Error

I hand delivered one of my mirrors today, since I was heading that way anyway, and it turns out the gentleman who bought it is engaged to an old work colleague of mine.  He makes and designs jewellery and had some beautiful stuff on display in his workshop.  I picked his brains a little vis a vis starting out in business and some of the mistakes I have already made.  For a start, following a visit to a couple of shops and even more websites, I now know I am seriously under-charging for my work.  My packaging also needs some work, since the mirrors and stars are a little fragile - my husband is working on this with me and we are just about there with an affordable solution.  I'm also experimenting with alternative materials as a base to the mirrors and stars - so far, I have tried MDF (9mm and 12mm) and foam board (for the stars), lightweight but quite sturdy and relatively easy to cut.  The results of recent work are pictured below...
 Lucky stars

Super duper star (approx 60cm wide)
A selection of mirrors and stars - each completely unique!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Sunny Sunday Snippet

Had a lazy day today but still made 2 more mirrors and now off for a stroll with my lovely family.  They have all been a bit 'under the weather' so the fresh air and sunshine should help mend bodies young and old!

My daughter, Daisy, made this over the August bank holiday - clever girl.

Friday, 11 November 2011

I'm Gonna Make You a Star! A Very Big One!!!

I have pushed the boat out today and created a MASSIVE Christmas star!  It is nearly two feet wide (from point to point) and is going to look fabulous when finished - it's currently a work-in-progress.  I was inspired by a huge piece of driftwood I came across yesterday (sadly, too big and heavy to drag back home), see the picture below.  Am going to trial it on Ebay and see how it goes...
Lovely gnarly piece of driftwood found on the beach yesterday

Massive Christmas star in first stages of development - 2ftx2ft

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Beautiful Beachcombing Weather

Had a lovely morning down at the beach collecting bits of driftwood, a few shells and some rope.  Simla came too and is now resting (as much as a Cocker Spaniel can rest!) with our other dog (a labrador) Tweed.  It was very quiet and we had the beach all to ourselves.  And, even though it rained on the way there and on the way back, the sun shone on us while we were there - lucky hey?!
Simla, my darling beach-combing buddy

I love this place - my secret sanctuary

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Driftwood Creations Now on Sale!

Latest mirror with huge oyster shell detail
I've had some interest regarding what I'm making and where I'm selling my pieces.  Since I am only just starting out on this venture I am currently using Ebay as my selling vehicle (see link below.  Do feel free to forward to friends, family and work colleagues looking for alternative decorations and Christmas gift ideas!). I will sell privately to friends/family etc. email  sam@driftwoodanddebris.co.uk 

Monday, 7 November 2011

Bother the Weather!

Two mirrors made by my girls (aged 3 & 6) during half term
as part of the holiday club workshop I ran - not bad eh?!
Brrrrrrrr!  What a chilly day.  Got creating more stars and mirrors this morning but this evening the glue has still not set and the paint (base layer under the driftwood) is still slightly tacky.  My workshop is somewhat chillier than the rest of the house and this is not good news when I've got to up my output for the Christmas 'rush'!  Fingers crossed for slightly milder conditions as the week goes on.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

A Star is Born!


Well, I have had a very busy time creating my driftwood and shell stars this weekend.  Each measures approximately 30cm point to point and I am planning on making one twice the size!  They have been quite labour intensive but worth it, I think... 

Saturday, 5 November 2011

If you need something doing...

Well, I had a bit of a reality check today vis a vis my Christmas driftwood and shell creations.  What I wanted simply wasn't out there in retail land (not in my neck of the woods at any rate).  So...I am biting the bullet and making my own templates which, let's be honest, I should have done in the first place.  Having experimented with a couple of base materials I have found one that suits and another that will fulfill some purpose further down the line.  For now, the glue is setting on my prototype and I am enjoying a bit of 'downtime'!

Did anyone mention Christmas is coming?

I am a lady on a mission today, sourcing shapes to create alternative Christmas decorations for the upcoming festive season - not the sort you hang on the tree (oh no) but stand-alone feature pieces.  Naturally, driftwood and shells will feature heavily and I will be crafting like crazy in order to get them done in time.  Wish me luck!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Another mirror sold!

Just checked my Ebay listing and I've got a bid on my driftwood and shell mirror (listing ends on Sunday).  Granted, this is only my 3rd sale (one to a friend and another on Ebay last week) but we all have to start somewhere!  
 Both driftwood and shell mirrors featured here are currently listed on Ebay!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Phewee...There is something fishy going on!

The suspect of the olfactory assault
resides in the group above

Now, I clean and scrub and thoroughly dry all my materials before I use them but despite my best efforts there is invariably a sneaky little snail shell that slips under the radar.  The result is a pungent fish-like smell which permeates my workshop.  It is a smell that refuses to fade, growing stronger each day until I finally relent and am forced to sniff each and every shell in order to find the offender.  This is my task today and I am not looking forward to it one bit...

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Our trip to the beach

The weather was on our side!

Both of my helpers ended up with boots full of sea water!

We pretty much had the beach to ourselves - lovely!

Scouting about for beautiful shells
Even the dog got involved!