Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Wonderful Weekday Workshop

Today has been pretty good for me.  I woke up and the sun was shining and as night falls it is shining, albeit sleepily, still.  I ran a workshop in the most stunning location yet, Chaffeymoor Grange at Bourton inWiltshire.  The workshop was part of a reward / chill-out day for the dedicated and hard-working staff of a well-known local company geared towards helping others (I will post the name of the company if given permission).  The group was made up of staff from all departments and the mood was relaxed and jovial, lots of banter and laughter interspersed with intense moments of silence and concentration.  I LOVED IT, and what made the whole thing even more enjoyable for me was the very clear pride each individual had on their face at the end of the session.  Real delight and surprise at what they had created out of simple driftwood and debris from our very own beaches.  And the clincher for me??? "I wonder if the other groups had as much fun as we did?".  "I hope not!"  says I...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Busy Doing Nothing...

Half term is nearly over and what a busy time it has been...doing not very much really.  Well, not very much in the way of my Driftwood and Debris work.  The Diamond Jubilee and my children have taken priority, as they should, and it has been a ball!  We have begun to decorate the Wendy house (inside) in a jungle theme (my eldest came up with the idea) which has involved copious amounts of paint, glue and coloured paper.  Naturally, this is a much bigger project than it first appeared and we have a way to go before it's done - still, it is looking good so far.  The weather has been...changeable, but my girls have been bonny throughout.  We went to the Hay Festival and attended a talk by Francesca Simon, the Horrid Henry author, we bar-be-cued, we planted up a new herb bed, we went for tea and cake, we visited my mother's farm (always fun), we walked the dogs (a lot), we danced, we sang, we joked, we laughed, and yes, there were some tears (but not too many) and we celebrated our lovely Queen's Diamond Jubilee!  It's been a good half term!