Tuesday, 28 October 2014

First Christmas Fair Looming

It is a long time since I've blogged (sorry) but suffice to say I am in a mild state of panic.  My first Christmas Fair of the year is looming (this Saturday, 1st November, in my local village of Codford) and I feel completely under-prepared.  It does not feel at all Christmassy here, the sun is out and the weather is unseasonably mild but there are berries on the holly bushes and we have gathered sloes and chestnuts at my mother's farm in readiness for the winter nights.
I have been busy with commissions of some of my felted items - witches, robins and even a little Jenny Wren.  My cobweb felted scarves seem to be a hit and from Devon to Kansas, USA!  All sold via my Etsy site which is so easy to maintain - I can't recommend it highly enough.
My youngest sister is getting all creative with jewellery - great to see another family member using her hidden talents!  I can't wait to see her makes and will post pictures on here as and when.  In the meantime here are some pictures showing what I've been up to these last few months!

All available from my Etsy site!  Driftwood and Debris - from wood to wool