Wow! What an exhausting but fun-filled and educational weekend. Any worries I had about this weekend's Winchester Handmade Christmas Fair were dispelled within the first 30 minutes of yesterday morning's trading. I have actually managed to clear a profit over the last two days and learned a heap of useful hints and tips that aren't available in any magazine articles or online guides.
I was lucky enough to have very entertaining, friendly and experienced stallholders as my immediate neighbours at the fair. I have learned so much and laughed a great deal. I will be much better prepared in the future and already have a clearer idea of what will sell and what won't and how to improve my somewhat shoddy organisational skills regarding setting up the stall, managing my float, and packaging up my sold goods.
I was very surprised at the difference in what sold today (Sunday) and yesterday. The Saturday and Sunday shopper are not of the same ilk it seems. Today was so much more relaxed than yesterday and my sales, although good, were not as good as Saturday. However, the most annoying thing about today (which could explain the lesser sales) was that the cash machines in the High Street ran out of money! It beggars belief really but, given the state of British banks right now, I guess it should not be too surprising - still extremely frustrating for customers and stallholders alike though!
Cash machine glitches aside, I had a brilliant time. I was very ably assisted by my eldest (7 year old) daughter yesterday. She arranged and re-arranged, and replenished stock. She was ready with the sticky tape when I was wrapping up the sold items and she was an absolute delight for the entire day. No complaints, apart from a slight 'when does it finish?' at 4 o'clock. She had been up since 6 in the morning! What a star!
A new blog charting my efforts at creating a business from the driftwood and debris found on the southern coast of England.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Onwards and Upwards!
Well, what a frantic few weeks! I have been cutting and sticking and sanding and varnishing like a woman possessed. I have created masses of stock for the Winchester Handmade Christmas Fair (1st and 2nd December). My items are gorgeous and I have spent hour upon hour putting them together.

Yesterday I took part in my local school's table top sale in Warminster and sold just one decoupage frame and that was it! Oh dear me...I am now quite concerned for my Winchester debut even though I know it is a tailored event and the footfall in the past has been 2 or 3 thousand! I also know (from my visit a couple of weeks ago) that Winchester is positively buzzing with shoppers. No worries then! Hmmmmmm.
On a lighter note, as you can see, I have acquired (via Freegle) a few (okay, loads of) copies of the Beano. My first thought was to create some fun and funky stars and key rings. I am tempted to adorn my girls' chairs and table too (but that is for another day!). I think they look fab and quirky. Let's hope the Winshester crowd do too! If you want to order any of these items or know of someone who might please visit my Etsy shop or share the link. Until next time, TTFN!
Sunday, 4 November 2012
The Price is Right?
I am delighted to report that today saw my very first sale via my Etsy shop. Okay it was just a little musical manuscript decoupage heart (just 10cm high) but I have packaged it up lovingly and will be posting it with all the care afforded a baby kitten!
Meanwhile, I paid a visit to Winchester Guildhall yesterday. We were visiting Winchester anyway and popped in to get a taste of what to expect on 1st and 2nd December when the Winchester Handmade Christmas Fair will be on. Given that we are only just into November I was staggered at how busy Winchester was. It was teeming with shoppers and I guess it will just get more and more busy! Goodo!!!
Consequently I am working hard at trying to complete my hearts and stars. I have ventured into making key rings too. All heart-shaped and decoupaged with a variety of patterns and pictures from leftover wrapping paper and old children's books. They look amazing and I think they will sell well at £3 a pop or 2 for £5. Pricing is always a tricky task for me. I have put a lot of time and effort into my creations and am mindful of the fact that I should not UNDER value them, they are genuinely handmade in my home and not mass produced thousands of miles away. I have personally collected and washed the shells and driftwood that go into making my driftwood products and put them together myself - they are not thrown together by anonymous third parties! I have therefore priced them as honestly and fairly as I can. The fact that I enjoy making all these gorgeous things is neither here nor there!
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
What to expect if you visit my Warminster or Winchester Christmas Stall
Monday, 15 October 2012
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Another busy and productive Sunday has whizzed by and my little workshop is teeming with goodies. Stars of varying sizes are drying and more are awaiting adornment with either leftover paper (from books or wrapping) or organic and ethically sourced driftwood and shells. The wood we collected last week is still drying above radiators and by the fire - soooo much quicker when dried out in the sun and wind!
As those of you who follow me will know, I have signed myself up for a daunting 2-day stint at Winchester Handmade Christmas Fair on 1st and 2nd December....Yikes! As a precursor and rehearsal for the 'big event' I have taken on a 2 hour stint on 17th November at the Warminster Civic Centre - it's a fund raising event for a nearby village school with a hint of Christmas about it. The Fair runs from 10am - 12pm and should prove a good dry run for the Winchester show. It will require me to get my 'house' in order 2 weeks before the main event and give me enough time (should I need it) to replenish any stock. I will post more details as soon as I have them and naturally welcome any feedback. TTFN!
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Look Before You Lepe?
Wow! What a productive weekend us Horgans have had. We made the most of Saturday's gorgeous October sun and whizzed down to Lepe beach, grabbed a cup of coffee (for the grown ups) and water and snacks (for the littles), and then trundled along the beach looking for driftwood, shells and all manner of other debris that might be useful in my creations. We managed to secure quite a haul in just over an hour (it normally takes me at least 2 hours on my own). My team were happy, cheery and uncomplaining and I didn't even have to pay them!
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Some of my Team at Lepe Beach |
The purpose of this latest visit to the beach is to ensure I have enough 'stock' for the upcoming Winchester Handmade Christmas Fair on 1st and 2nd December. I am aiming to create a range of desirable driftwood and decoupage goods with prices ranging from £1 up to £40 or £50. Pricing the goods is the trickiest part of this project since one has to take account of time, fuel, packaging and basic costs such as hooks, ribbons, varnish, glue and so on - not an easy task I can assure you! I have made some truly gorgeous things and just hope the customers/shoppers think the same. There are stars, hearts, mirrors - all varying in size and embellishment - all divine and made with love.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Just ordered last lot of star shapes for my driftwood and decoupage Christmas assault! Booked a trip to the beach en famille this coming weekend and then busy making gorgeous goodies like an elf possessed.
I am pinning a lot on the Winchester Handmade Fair and hoping the Etsy shop will take off. I clearly need more than just likes and pins to make a living and would appreciate shares/tweets/recommendations if anyone should feel it appropriate. My creations are getting better and more polished by the day and I have some delightful vintage decoupage creations to show off soon - until then ttfn!
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Staying 'on point' is proving a bit of a struggle...for me at any rate!
I am the worst person for distractions. Especially if the distraction means I don't have to get on with the job in hand. No wonder my children drive ME to distraction with their own little daydreams and butterfly thoughts and musings...they take after their mum!

That said, I have knuckled down (here and there) and got creative with my stars and am ready to showcase a couple of examples on my little Blog here - which you are more than welcome to share to as many people as you see fit. My Etsy shop has many more products than a few weeks ago and I am adding new products weekly (when I am not 'distracted' by my lovely family).
My new job is, naturally, impacting on the focus of my new business but I should soon get into a routine and then production and (hopefully) sales should grow. Wish me luck!

Sunday, 9 September 2012
Just over 100 days to go until...yup, Christmas!
I know it's only September, but a friend of mine reminded me (via FB) that there are just over 100 days to go until Christmas. One part of me is thinking "That's still about a third of a year...ages!". The other part is thinking "Oh my goodness (and worse, I confess), I have done next to nothing in readiness for what should be a busy old time for me, next to nothing!...Yikes!".
Now, those of you who have been following me will know I have taken on 2 days at the Winchester Handmade indoor Christmas Fayre. Not one, no! Two...I have no idea what will sell and so am panicking slightly (Okay, a lot!). I have a fair amount of driftwood products made and ready and plan to make more but I am itching to push my decoupage hearts and stars which are gorgeous and epitomise the 'debris' side of my business - upcycled wrapping paper, pages from books, old maps and so on. I am finally using up bits of paper I have clung onto for years because "I knew they would come in useful one day!"
So, I am plodding along creating gorgeous hearts and stars and hope that others think they are equally gorgeous. They are keenly priced and available to view or buy in my Etsy shop.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Etsy Shop is Now Open for Business
I am delighted to announce the opening of my Etsy Shop. It's a great forum for all things hand made and crafted and I'm hoping it will prove a useful vehicle through which to sell my lovingly made driftwood and decoupage products. Please feel free to forward the link below to anyone you think may be interested.
Driftwood and Debris Etsy Shop
A little disappointed this week since I was expecting to hold a workshop but it was cancelled just 3 days before it was due to take place. Grrrrr!!! I had the materials all ready to go and now they are sitting in my workshop ready for another day - at least they won't go off or perish I guess. On the plus side I got to take my kids to Wilton House in the afternoon and the sun shone the whole time we were there!
Yesterday I received 50 blank MDF stars which I am going to 'pretty up' for Christmas with my new-found decoupage skills using left over wrapping paper and anything else 'christmassy' I can lay my hands on. I'm hoping to sell them on at the Winchester Craft Fair and maybe the local school Christmas Fayre in a couple of months time. I'll post some examples up when they're done!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Off to Bournemouth tomorrow! Hoorah! We finally have some excellent weather in our green and pleasant land and we are determined to make the most of it. I have pushed last week's 'experience' to one side (no, really, I have - sooo strange) and am heading down to the seaside with my gorgeous family. We are going to the Aquarium/Oceanarium in Bournemouth (again) and then we're going to have a paddle in the Sea and make sandcastles and moats and maybe bury Daddy in the sand! We MAY look for some interesting shells, who knows? All I DO know is that we will be having a lovely and loving family day out and I can't wait!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Good Night and Don't Have Nightmares...
Well, I went down to the beach yesterday. I was full of anticipation, in spite of the weather (it has been a touch inclement in the UK just recently), and I had a spring in my step at the thought of spending some quality time collecting shells, driftwood and debris. It works for me...
I was togged up in boots, water-proof coat and trusty (if slightly musty) old hat. Bags in hand, I set off on my hunt for all things beachy and the going was good. Lot's of lovely driftwood, a few shells, a rusty door-hinge (I know, I know) and some bits of old rope. I wasn't looking ahead so much as down, in order to avoid the driving rain, and so it was with a degree of surprise that I happened upon an old-boy fishing just a few yards in front of me. This could be good (thought I) for my blog. He looked like he'd been fishing all his life - old, weathered features, worn clothes, all the gear...a great photo opportunity? Hhhhhmmmmmm!
Herein lies the irony. The night before, I had been to a concert in Hyde Park - it was amazing! - but it finished around 10.15pm. It was dark. My family and I were headed in opposite directions and I found myself walking up a somewhat deserted Marylebone Road on my own. I felt alone and vulnerable and quickened my pace so as to reach my destination (Marylebone Station) as soon as possible. Clearly, I made it in one piece - phew! The next morning I find myself at Calshot Beach. It's deserted but I feel at peace and contented, safe and secure. If I should meet anyone on this rather drab and dreary morning they will be of like mind, glad to be alive and enjoying the sea air. We will pass the time of day, joke about the weather and then carry on with our walk...
...not the fisherman. No. This fisherman wasn't fishing for bream or bass. As I made to walk by, he stepped in my path and told me a couple of strange and inappropriate stories to do with women offering themselves to him. I smiled politely, nodded and tried to move along - each time he stepped right in front of me and began on another story. I knew this was wrong, he was wrong...the next thing he did was to gesture towards his midriff (slightly below) and, in the manner of a News of the World reporter (I suppose) I swiftly made my excuses and completely the wrong direction! Take note, plan your escape!!!
So, I found myself heading up the beach in the opposite direction to all civilisation and humanity. I kept glancing back. Mercifully, the fisherman wasn't following. In fact, he appeared to be dismantling his rod and tripod. I called my husband, he called the Police, they called me (while I made my way up the very steep bank into a field that led to the beach road)...I got back to my car. I was shaky, I was sweaty (I'm sorry), I was thirsty (luckily I had a flask of coffee), I was safe...the police and I rendezvoused but, a day later, the fisherman was nowhere to be found!
Naturally, I am reliving the 'incident' in my mind again and again. I know I was feeling uber safe having survived 'scary' London the night before. This, in hindsight, was clearly a mistake. One should ALWAYS be on ones guard. Avoid potential danger through astute awareness. Don't assume the countryside is safer than the city - it isn't!
That said, I WILL go back to the beach. Night all, take care and don't have nightmares! x
I was togged up in boots, water-proof coat and trusty (if slightly musty) old hat. Bags in hand, I set off on my hunt for all things beachy and the going was good. Lot's of lovely driftwood, a few shells, a rusty door-hinge (I know, I know) and some bits of old rope. I wasn't looking ahead so much as down, in order to avoid the driving rain, and so it was with a degree of surprise that I happened upon an old-boy fishing just a few yards in front of me. This could be good (thought I) for my blog. He looked like he'd been fishing all his life - old, weathered features, worn clothes, all the gear...a great photo opportunity? Hhhhhmmmmmm!
Herein lies the irony. The night before, I had been to a concert in Hyde Park - it was amazing! - but it finished around 10.15pm. It was dark. My family and I were headed in opposite directions and I found myself walking up a somewhat deserted Marylebone Road on my own. I felt alone and vulnerable and quickened my pace so as to reach my destination (Marylebone Station) as soon as possible. Clearly, I made it in one piece - phew! The next morning I find myself at Calshot Beach. It's deserted but I feel at peace and contented, safe and secure. If I should meet anyone on this rather drab and dreary morning they will be of like mind, glad to be alive and enjoying the sea air. We will pass the time of day, joke about the weather and then carry on with our walk...
...not the fisherman. No. This fisherman wasn't fishing for bream or bass. As I made to walk by, he stepped in my path and told me a couple of strange and inappropriate stories to do with women offering themselves to him. I smiled politely, nodded and tried to move along - each time he stepped right in front of me and began on another story. I knew this was wrong, he was wrong...the next thing he did was to gesture towards his midriff (slightly below) and, in the manner of a News of the World reporter (I suppose) I swiftly made my excuses and completely the wrong direction! Take note, plan your escape!!!
So, I found myself heading up the beach in the opposite direction to all civilisation and humanity. I kept glancing back. Mercifully, the fisherman wasn't following. In fact, he appeared to be dismantling his rod and tripod. I called my husband, he called the Police, they called me (while I made my way up the very steep bank into a field that led to the beach road)...I got back to my car. I was shaky, I was sweaty (I'm sorry), I was thirsty (luckily I had a flask of coffee), I was safe...the police and I rendezvoused but, a day later, the fisherman was nowhere to be found!
Naturally, I am reliving the 'incident' in my mind again and again. I know I was feeling uber safe having survived 'scary' London the night before. This, in hindsight, was clearly a mistake. One should ALWAYS be on ones guard. Avoid potential danger through astute awareness. Don't assume the countryside is safer than the city - it isn't!
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Possibly a quarter of what I could have collected... |
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Wonderful Weekday Workshop

Sunday, 10 June 2012
Busy Doing Nothing...
Half term is nearly over and what a busy time it has been...doing not very much really. Well, not very much in the way of my Driftwood and Debris work. The Diamond Jubilee and my children have taken priority, as they should, and it has been a ball! We have begun to decorate the Wendy house (inside) in a jungle theme (my eldest came up with the idea) which has involved copious amounts of paint, glue and coloured paper. Naturally, this is a much bigger project than it first appeared and we have a way to go before it's done - still, it is looking good so far. The weather has been...changeable, but my girls have been bonny throughout. We went to the Hay Festival and attended a talk by Francesca Simon, the Horrid Henry author, we bar-be-cued, we planted up a new herb bed, we went for tea and cake, we visited my mother's farm (always fun), we walked the dogs (a lot), we danced, we sang, we joked, we laughed, and yes, there were some tears (but not too many) and we celebrated our lovely Queen's Diamond Jubilee! It's been a good half term!
Saturday, 5 May 2012
There's Debris and then there's DEBRIS!
Sunday, 29 April 2012
You Live and (hopefully) Learn!
I took part in my first 'Craft Market' last weekend and ended up out of pocket and somewhat disheartened by the whole affair. I had spent the previous couple of weeks frantically making mirrors, sunbursts and hearts and managed to deplete my hard-sought stocks of shells and wood in the process. I was stupidly nervous too but did, at least, have my six and a half year old daughter Daisy as my stall companion - she was a star (naturally) and helped with the setting up and putting away of all the stock. She has an eye for display and was a real help in arranging the stall - particularly the decoupage hearts which I had made in order to have some attractive, yet cheaper, items on my stall. Sadly, the weather was not on our side and the footfall was negligible. On the plus side I did get some great compliments on my work and invaluable advice from fellow stallholders.
What I have learnt from this experience is that I need to plan ahead...way ahead. I checked out the Bath Christmas Market (already fully booked) and our local Cuckoo Spring Fair (I am on the waiting list for 2013) - given the current weather forecast I am not too miffed about the Fair!
My workshops work - they are fun and I do not end up out of pocket. My clients get completely engaged in the creation of their own work of art and the atmosphere is relaxed and slightly magical. I generally end up in awe of the people I meet and happy to have cheered up someone's day - THAT is a GREAT feeling!
That said, I have not given up on special events. I am sure there is a market out there for my 'stuff', I just need to find it!
What I have learnt from this experience is that I need to plan ahead...way ahead. I checked out the Bath Christmas Market (already fully booked) and our local Cuckoo Spring Fair (I am on the waiting list for 2013) - given the current weather forecast I am not too miffed about the Fair!
My workshops work - they are fun and I do not end up out of pocket. My clients get completely engaged in the creation of their own work of art and the atmosphere is relaxed and slightly magical. I generally end up in awe of the people I meet and happy to have cheered up someone's day - THAT is a GREAT feeling!
That said, I have not given up on special events. I am sure there is a market out there for my 'stuff', I just need to find it!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
It's all in the Timing!
Never mind stocking up on petrol and water - what next, really?! It's the Easter holidays and I have been ferrying the kids to and fro, buying school shoes and doing a spot of Spring cleaning, gardening, and the like. My driftwood workshop is currently doubling up as a seedling nursery, until the weather is kind enough to let them move to the greenhouse outside, so I am having to be 'creative' with the space I have left. I am rapidly running out of space, especially since I've had to 'pot-on' the first batch of seedlings that were rapidly outgrowing their little cells. My poor stepson's bed is now covered in baby plants - luckily without him in it! I will have it all fresh and lovely before he next comes to stay...
What has become apparent, with all this re-organising of space, is that I am extremely low on materials and, while there are no immediate workshops in the offing, I do need to build a few stock items for a couple of 'events' I plan to attend - the first of which is in just 2 weeks time. I am awaiting delivery of some base heart and circle shapes but have little to decorate them with - time is going to be tight and I need to get my skates on collecting, making and creating. Nothing like a bit of pressure to get one going!
So, having been away last week when the weather was stunning I had planned to take a trip down to the coast one day this week. Today (this morning at least) is lovely but I have to wait in for a recorded delivery (typical) so I am pinning my hopes on a favourable weather window tomorrow since the forecast into the weekend is not pretty. Fingers crossed I can replenish my supplies tomorrow when I will be ably assisted by my two girls!
What has become apparent, with all this re-organising of space, is that I am extremely low on materials and, while there are no immediate workshops in the offing, I do need to build a few stock items for a couple of 'events' I plan to attend - the first of which is in just 2 weeks time. I am awaiting delivery of some base heart and circle shapes but have little to decorate them with - time is going to be tight and I need to get my skates on collecting, making and creating. Nothing like a bit of pressure to get one going!
So, having been away last week when the weather was stunning I had planned to take a trip down to the coast one day this week. Today (this morning at least) is lovely but I have to wait in for a recorded delivery (typical) so I am pinning my hopes on a favourable weather window tomorrow since the forecast into the weekend is not pretty. Fingers crossed I can replenish my supplies tomorrow when I will be ably assisted by my two girls!
Sunday, 11 March 2012
A bit of fun!
I was busy making up some samples today when my youngest daughter wandered in and asked if she could join in. I figured she could use a shape I'd decided not to use and so she was let loose on the dolphin! A few minutes later the 6 year old came in and decided she'd like to decorate the anchor. Then, together, they created a pretty little star and embellished it further with some colourful beads left over from a jewellery-making session yesterday. Daisy (the 6 year old) declared today to be one of the best days of her life (she had a birthday party to go to later in the day too) and wished that every day could be as good. Who'd have thought sticking bits of wood and shells to some MDF could be so much fun and keep the little ones quiet for over an hour! What clever little girls!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
The Shape of Things to Come?
I've run a few workshops now and it very soon became apparent that some of the participants would like to make something similar to the mirrors but not necessarily the same! Something that would marry nicely with the mirror and carry on the Driftwood theme. With this in mind I have commissioned a few 'shapes' which I will adorn with driftwood and shells and whatever else I may have to hand. These 'shapes' will form a new arm of Driftwood and Debris and hopefully generate new and further business for my workshops and the odd craft fair/event as the year draws on. Thus far, I have put together a pretty little driftwood heart (pictures below) - this should be relatively easy to re-create in a workshop environment and have a universal appeal. Other creations to follow soon!
Driftwood Heart adorned with Oyster, Razor and Cockle Shells |
Dridtwood Heart (Back) |
Driftwood Heart (Front) |
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Whatever the Weather
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Ready, steady... |
I had a real panic on this week, fearing I would be seriously low on supplies following a large workshop on the 9th. I had visions of racing down to the coast and perhaps getting frozen to the driftwood I needed to collect. Then getting back home in my little flowery car (pictures to follow - once the car is clean) through the inevitable ice and snow that was destined to hamper my journey at every turn. Naturally, I would need a rug, flask of hot coffee, sandwiches, fully charged mobile phone, a pen and paper on which to write my final freezing thoughts and my dog (who would probably eat me if I were to fall asleep before she did!)...since I am writing my BLOG on this chilly winter's night in front of a lovely warm wood burning stove it is fair to deduce the potentially treacherous journey wasn't necessary!
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...and off we go! |
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Blank frames and wood |
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A finished frame! |
Thursday, it transpired, was a great day and I had more than enough materials for the charming group of people who attended the workshop. The atmosphere was relaxed and informal, lot's of chit-chat, lot's of laughter and lot's of concentration to boot. The mirrors all looked amazing and everyone seemed surprised and delighted with their creations - a very creative morning was had by all. Once again, I came away from the workshop with a happy heart. The participants really did seem to get a kick out of tackling something different. Just touching the materials sparked distant memories and the stories and facts came flooding into the conversation thick and fast. These workshops are so much more than just creating a little work of art...
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A selection of completed frames from my very talented group!
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