Another busy and productive Sunday has whizzed by and my little workshop is teeming with goodies. Stars of varying sizes are drying and more are awaiting adornment with either leftover paper (from books or wrapping) or organic and ethically sourced driftwood and shells. The wood we collected last week is still drying above radiators and by the fire - soooo much quicker when dried out in the sun and wind!
As those of you who follow me will know, I have signed myself up for a daunting 2-day stint at Winchester Handmade Christmas Fair on 1st and 2nd December....Yikes! As a precursor and rehearsal for the 'big event' I have taken on a 2 hour stint on 17th November at the Warminster Civic Centre - it's a fund raising event for a nearby village school with a hint of Christmas about it. The Fair runs from 10am - 12pm and should prove a good dry run for the Winchester show. It will require me to get my 'house' in order 2 weeks before the main event and give me enough time (should I need it) to replenish any stock. I will post more details as soon as I have them and naturally welcome any feedback. TTFN!
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