Tuesday, 28 October 2014

First Christmas Fair Looming

It is a long time since I've blogged (sorry) but suffice to say I am in a mild state of panic.  My first Christmas Fair of the year is looming (this Saturday, 1st November, in my local village of Codford) and I feel completely under-prepared.  It does not feel at all Christmassy here, the sun is out and the weather is unseasonably mild but there are berries on the holly bushes and we have gathered sloes and chestnuts at my mother's farm in readiness for the winter nights.
I have been busy with commissions of some of my felted items - witches, robins and even a little Jenny Wren.  My cobweb felted scarves seem to be a hit and from Devon to Kansas, USA!  All sold via my Etsy site which is so easy to maintain - I can't recommend it highly enough.
My youngest sister is getting all creative with jewellery - great to see another family member using her hidden talents!  I can't wait to see her makes and will post pictures on here as and when.  In the meantime here are some pictures showing what I've been up to these last few months!

All available from my Etsy site!  Driftwood and Debris - from wood to wool

Sunday, 23 February 2014

You're Never Too Old to Learn!

Well this last week has zoomed by way too quickly!  We've packed a lot in (me and the girls) making, baking and so on and even got to enjoy the nicer days (there were a couple!) over this wintry and wet half term - out on the bikes and then with the dogs taking in the biting wind trying to spot deer and hares against the dark and sodden landscape.  We drove down to Somerset one day and witnessed some of the immense flooding which seemed to go on for miles and miles...we counted our blessings!


It wasn't just the girls who got creative I too have been a busy bee and made a few more scarves this week mixing in some Tussah silk here and there - the effect is quite something, lending a really luxurious look and feel to the scarves.  The silk throwsters are less predictable but I like the way they grab hold of the wool as if they were afraid to let go.  The process is always tinged with slight trepidation since I made a mistake a couple of weeks ago using way too much silk and the whole thing came apart in my hands in the final fulling process - I was somewhat peeved since I was making it with and for one of my daughters.  It was a lesson learnt though and thankfully not an expensive one as we were using 'waste' wool and silk.  I did think it was amazingly soft as we were working with it...now I know why!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

No Spiders Lurking in these Cobwebs!

Well, as promised, I have finally got around to uploading some photos of my wet-felted cobweb scarves.  To be honest I am so obsessed with the process at the moment that it feels like my 'proper' job, and life in general, is getting in the way.  Weekends whizz by way too quickly - when don't they? - and half term cannot come soon enough!

With each scarf I am becoming more adventurous, adding embellishments (in the form of silk throwsters) here, tassles there, and now adding my own pre-felt into the mix too.  I am currently working pretty much exclusively with merino wool (it is so soft) but am tempted by the silk and cashmere mixes to name but two - there are so many options and the colours and combinations are limited only by one's imagination. 
Then there is the driftwood - I am hoping to undertake some workshops soon and have a couple of projects which I need to get under way.  Then there is my day job and being a mum to my two adorable children and wife to loving and surprisingly patient and supportive husband.  For now though I am going to sign off and hope you like the efforts of my latest obsession...I do!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

I May Have Gone Slightly Off Message...

Happy New Year!  I am sorry it's a month late but it's been a busy old time since Christmas and I am only sneaking a blog in now before I make a start on dinner - having fed the little ones already!  My workshop is currently out of action - essential repairs about to take place - so most of my 'stuff' is safely boxed up.  I am beside myself with frustration since I am itching to 'create' all manner of things 'felted' and 'woolly'.  That's right!  I am still crazy about my driftwood and decoupage but can I stretch my 'debris' title to include all things sheepish?

I blame Kirsty Allsop (of course), along with a very talented felt artist I had the privilege of spending some time with at a Christmas Fair in Winchester a couple of years ago.  Santa Claus bought me a needle felting starter kit two Christmases back and I've been 'hooked' ever since.  Just recently I have delved into the world of wet felting and a whole new world of possibilities has sprung up before me.  Ergo today's title.  I will post some bits and pieces soon but now the kitchen is calling me.  TTFN!