Friday 18 November 2011

Calm Before the Storm?

Well, it's been a quiet few days on the Driftwood and Debris front.  I did sell a star yesterday and am hoping to sell some more over the weekend.  In the meantime, I'm patiently waiting for my latest lot of driftwood to dry - having washed and scrubbed it clean.  In warmer months I would place it outside to dry in the sun, but it's been so damp and cold recently that I've had to bring it inside to dry out next to the radiator.  It feels like every room in the house is brimming with the stuff!  Productivity is also slowed because my 2 little girls have been unwell and demanding a lot of attention - I don't mind though because I get some real quality time with them and their cuddles are just so scrummy.
So, I am wondering if this is the calm before the storm.  I need to capitalise on the Christmas period and then set to running some workshops in the New Year.  Could be busy times ahead if I play my cards right!

Here's one I made earlier...this week

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